Ultra Klean Power Flush capsules have the most powerful detoxifying herbs as their ingredients. They include dandelion, burdock, red clover and yellow dock. These herbs are really efficient and they actually work. Also the product includes 2 Vitamin B capsules and 2 Creatine capsules, which provides you with extra energy and make sure you pass the urinary test successfully.
It is better to make a test within first two hours after using the product as it produces the best effect at this period. But in general it is effective up to 5 hours. Ultra Mask One Hour Cleansing Formula is also recommended for even better effect.
- First you should take 7 capsules with 24oz of water about an hour to an hour and half before the test.
- After that you should wait for 20 minutes and then take another 7 capsules with 24oz of water.
- After 20 minutes more you should take last 7 capsules, 2 vitamin B and 2 creatine capsules with 24 oz of water.