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Toxins / Substances

Home / Toxins / Substances

· 4-hydroxy-N
· Adam
· Afagani
· Alcohol
· Alkyl nitrite
· Alpha-ethyltryptamine
· Ames
· Amphetamine
· Amyl nitrite
· Amys
· Angel Dust
· Angel in the Sky
· Animal
· Aroma of men
· B-bombs
· Babania
· Badrock
· Ball
· Bammer
· Barbiturates
· Barrels
· Bart Simpson
· Base
· Bathtub Speed
· Beans
· Beast
· Beat
· Bens
· Benzocaine
· Benzodiazepines
· Big C
· Big H
· Biscuits
· Black
· Black Star
· Black tar
· Blow
· Blows
· Blue meth
· Blunt
· Bones
· Boomers
· Boulders
· Boy
· Bromo
· Brooms
· Brown boy
· Brown sugar
· Bud
· Bump
· Bunk
· Butyl nitrite
· Buzz bomb
· CB
· Candy
· Cannabinoids
· Cannabis
· Cannabis plant
· Caps
· Casper
· Cat
· Cat Valium
· Caviar
· Cherry Meth
· Chicken feed
· China white
· Chloroform
· Chronic
· Cinnamon
· Circles
· Clarity
· Climax
· Club Drug
· Club Drugs
· Coca
· Cocaine
· Cocaine processed with ammonia
· Cocaine processed with baking soda
· Codeine
· Coke
· Cola
· Colombian
· Cookies
· Crack
· Creatinine
· Crink
· Cristal
· Crumbs
· Crystal meth
· Cubes
· Decadence
· Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or tetrahydrocannabinol
· Depressants
· Designer Drugs
· Desocsins
· Devil Drug
· Devil drug
· Devil's Candy
· Devil's dandruff
· Devilsmoke
· Dex
· Diacetylmorphine
· Diesel
· Dimethyltryptamine
· Disco biscuit
· Do a line
· Dope
· Duramorph; M
· E
· Eccies
· Ecstasy
· Embalming Fluid
· Eminems
· Erivative of amphetamine
· Eve
· Fantasy
· Fat Bags
· Fentanyl
· Flatliners
· Flex
· Florida Snow
· Forget me drug
· Forget me pill
· Freeze
· Fun guys
· Fungus
· G-Rock
· Gamma Hydroxybutyrate
· Gamma butyrolactone
· Ganja
· Gasoline
· Geep
· Georgia home boy
· Getting roached
· Glutaraldehyde (exogenous aldehyde)
· Go
· God's Flesh
· God's flesh
· Gold Stamp
· Golden brown
· Golden eagle
· Gomers
· Googs
· Gooms
· Granulated orange
· Grass
· Great hormones at bedtime
· Green
· Grievous bodily harm
· H
· Hair spray
· Hallucinogen
· Hallucinogenic mushrooms
· Hallucinogens
· Hard
· Hardball
· Hardware
· Hashish
· Heroin
· Hillbilly heroin
· Hombrecitos
· Hombresitos
· Horse
· Hot ice
· Household glue
· Hug drug
· Iboga
· Ice
· Inhalant recreational drug
· Inhalants
· Isobutyl nitrite
· Jack and Jills
· Jeff
· Jet
· Jude
· Juice
· Junk
· K
· Kaksonjae
· Karachi
· Ket
· Ketamine
· Killer
· Killer Weed
· King
· Kitty
· Kix
· L.A. glass
· La Rocha
· Lady Caine
· Lady H
· Laughing Gas
· Laughing Jims
· Leaf
· Lemon drop Meth
· Liberty caps
· Lidocaine
· Lime Acid
· Line
· Liquid E
· Liquid Ecstasy
· Liquid Gold
· Liquid X
· Live,Spit and Die
· Lle
· Llello
· Locker Room
· Logor
· Lophophora williamsii
· Love
· Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
· Lunch money drug
· Lysergic acid diethylamide
· MaDMAn
· Magic mushroom
· Magic mushrooms
· Mama Coca
· Mannitol
· Marching Dust
· Marijuana
· Matter
· Mellow Yellow
· Meprobamate
· Mesc
· Mescal
· Mescaline
· Mese
· Meth
· Meth's Cat
· Meth's Kitten
· Methadone
· Methamphetamine
· Methaqualone
· Methcathinone
· Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
· Methylphenidate
· Mexican Mushroom
· Mexican mushrooms
· Mexican valium
· Mezc
· Microdot
· Mighty Quinn
· Mind Detergent
· Miss Emma
· Misters
· Model airplane glue
· Mojo
· Mollies
· Monkey
· Montega
· Moon
· Moon children
· Moonrocks
· Morning shot
· Morphine
· Morphines
· Morphines4-MTA
· Mother Of God
· Mush
· Mushies
· Mushrooms
· Musk
· N-dimethyltryptamine
· Nail polish remover
· Narcotics
· Newspapers
· Nexus
· Nicotine
· Nitramyl
· Nitrite (exogenous nitrite)
· Nitrous oxide
· Nose candy
· Novocain
· Novocaine
· Nuggets
· O-phosphoryl-4-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine
· OC
· OX
· OZs
· One way
· Oomies
· Opiates
· Opium
· Opium derivative
· Optical Illusions
· Orange Barrels
· Orange Cubes
· Orange Haze
· Orange Micro
· Organic Quaalude
· Owsley
· Oxidants
· Oxy
· OxyContin
· Oxycodone
· Oxycotton
· Ozone
· PH-Testing (acidic or alkaline adulterant).
· Pane
· Pants
· Papaver somniferum
· Paper Acid
· Peace
· Peanut butter
· Pearls
· Pellets
· Pentazocine
· Pentazocine4-MTA
· PentazocineBadrock
· PentazocineMarijuana
· Percopop
· Peruvian
· Peyote
· Phencyclidine
· Phenobarbital
· Piece
· Pills
· Pingus
· Pink Blotters
· Pink Panther
· Pizza Topping Shrooms
· Pizza Toppings
· Pollutants
· Poor Man's Heroin
· Popper
· Poppers
· Pot
· Potato
· Procaine
· Psilocin
· Psilocybin
· Psychedelic
· Psychedelic hallucinogenic drug
· Pure Love
· Quaaludes
· QuickSilver
· R-2
· Ram
· Recreational drug
· Recycle
· Reefer
· Reynolds
· Rib
· Ritalin
· Roach-2
· Roapies
· Robutal Roofies
· Rock Hard
· Rock Star
· Rocket Fuel
· Rocks
· Rohypnol
· Rolls
· Rooms
· Rope
· Rophies
· Row-shay
· Roxanol
· Rubber cement
· Ruffles
· Rush
· Russian Sickles
· Salty water
· San Pedro
· Schwag
· Scoobies
· Scooby snacks
· Scoop
· Scopolamine
· Sedatives
· Shish
· Shish,
· Shoot the Breeze
· Shrooms
· Silly Putty
· Simple Simon
· Skag
· Sketch
· Sleep-500
· Smack
· Smarties
· Smears
· Smoke
· Snappers
· Sniff
· Snort
· Snowball
· Soap
· Somatomaz
· Special K
· Speed
· Speed for lovers
· Speedball
· Spoosh
· Spray paint
· Stamps
· Stardust
· Stimulant
· Stimulants
· Stones
· Stove top
· Strawberry Fields
· Sudafed
· Sugar Cubes
· Sunshine
· Super acid
· Super ice
· Supergrass
· Sweeties
· Synthesized morphine
· Synthetic drug
· Tabs
· Talwin
· Teddy Bears
· Teeth
· Thrust
· Tick tick
· Ticket
· Tornado
· TornadoMarijuana
· Trails
· Trash
· Twenti-five
· Uncle Sid
· Vita-G
· Vitamin E
· Vitamin K
· Vitamin R
· Vitamin X
· Vrint
· Wack
· Wannabe-Speed
· Wash
· Wedge
· Weed
· West Coast
· Wheels
· Whippets
· White Dust
· White Horse
· White Lady
· White powder
· White stuff
· Wicky stick
· Window Glass
· Wolfie
· Work
· Working Bags
· Working man's cocaine
· X
· Yaotou
· Yellow
· Yellow barn
· Yellow powder
· Yoda
· Yokes
· Yola
· Zen
· Zoomers
· Zoomies
· Zooms